they are selling the moon.
they own the galaxy.
it won't be long now
before they own you, too.

humanity for sale:
five dollars an inch.
coming to a brain near you.

it is not enough
that we poison this planet
and ourselves.
how now will we find our way
in the darkness
when we plague our moon?

green aliens with your
glowing antennae beware!
we bring no peace
that cannot be purchased
at the cost of your freedom.

we will never cease
from exploration and
the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
plague the place
for the
last time.

dearest chicken little
how you have grown.
you dream of flight
but have no feathers.
the sky may be falling
but don't worry
we can modify it
and you, too.

the natural life
is over-rated anyways.

©Copyright 2004 Sheila Cook.